
Yumi Masahiro, "the Blind Archer"

The king is giving Yumi the token with his own hands in the royal palace.

Yumi and Aiko are traveling on their boat towards the city of Hokuto.

To avoid being discovered by enemies, Yumi and Aiko decided to cross the swamp with the cover of sunset.


Josh Kao said...

yo zen, really like your stuff man, you always have cool ideas. Great to have you in class!

Mauricio Abril said...

Hey, Zen! Dude, great work in Viz Dev. I really liked your concept and art style. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

Ang said...

NICEEE ZENn!!! i miss you and cubaa TT_TT... let's hang out this break!

Roy Santua said...

amazing design process, love it Zen. Great job!!

Amanda Li said...

this is awwwwwesome.